Digital Media Presence

Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the demands of social media marketing? May be it's time to ask for some help.
Feeling a little overwhelmed by all the demands of social media marketing?

Developing New Media strategies for a client can take a couple of weeks or (sometimes) many months.
Last month we launched a clients’ webpage we had been working on since May of last year. While it is always my goal to get the client focused on their particular objective as quickly as possible, often times their ideas evolve in the process of designing a webpage. In this case it is prudent to take more time than usual, so the end result will be satisfactory. Than the webpage will mirror your business idea and help it get off the ground.
I would advise clients to take it one step at a time, especially since social media is constantly changing and pages and places we “mingle” will come and go.

Often I run into small business owners who believe they can accomplish everything by themselves – develop a marketing strategy that stretches from creating their own logo, to website design, a weekly blog and of course profiles on all major social media platforms. If you know somebody who is struggling to keep all those balls in the air please refer them to me. I am available for an hourlong free consultation in the Bay Area and actively looking for new clients.