Thanksgiving portrait


This session in the series of mother-daughter portraits happened on a beautiful fall day in Golden Gate Park.
Karen is the busy mother of three, who does not have much time to hang out with her eldest daughter, Emilia, other than the time she spends with her when they go all across the US to a rhythmic gymnastics competition. Emilia attracted quite a number of curious visitors when she gave us a small taste of her art.
Later on we settled down to some more quiet portraits first at the Music Concourse and then in the Botanical Garden right across the street.

Gabriele Lange Photography
Mother-daugher portrait in Golden Gate Park by Gabriele Lange

A portrait session can be the perfect time to catch up with each other and find out more about what is happening in the busy life of your teenager. These precious images will stay with you when your teen is long gone off to college!
Gabriele Lange Photography

Visitors from the Past

Thanks to our not so secret lives in the internet age I was able to reconnect with an old friend from high school. Annette and I hadn’t seen each other for about 25 years when she came for a visit to California with her 16 year old daughter Paula in tow. The mother daughter team went on their first solo trip together and were taking in the breathtaking beauty the Bay Area has to offer. Very quickly they agreed to participate in the mother-daughter portrait session, also called the Push-Me-Pull-You Portraits.

Mother daughter portraits by Gabriele Lange
Annette and Paula at the Legion of Honor, a great spot for portraits.

We combined the “Best of San Francisco site seeing” with their portrait session. The Botanical Gardens in Golden Gate Park was one of our first stops.

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Annette is working as an elementary school as a physical education and theatre teacher. She loves the idea of role playing with your kids and has some whimsical ideas of how to portray our ever changing relationship with our teenagers. annette2015_11

Gabriele Lange Photography
We reconnected really well and will hopefully stay in touch in the years to come. The last trip we did together was to Sardinia when I was dating her older brother and she met her future husband – 30 years ago.
It’s about time we come up with a new voyage through Europe!

Gabriele Lange Photography
Annette and Gabriele, the photographer, at the Legion of Honor in San Francisco.

Childhood Portraits

On days such as today, when we find out about sudden tragic accidents like the German plane crash in the south of France we become shockingly aware of the fragility of life. Ultimately nobody will ask what fortunes you made at some far away place (your office, the stock market, fill in the blank), but how present you were in your kids childhood.
Being a mother probably made me a much better photographer. It has taught me compassion, patience and appreciation for those little moments, when all of a sudden you understand what in the world is going on around you.
So I’d like to encourage you to take the time and sign up for a unique and worthwhile photo session to record what is special to you. The moments are fleeting, the photographs are there to last.

Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.

Ashley Smith

A rainbow in someone’s cloud

One reason why I love doing the mother- daughter portraits is the notion  that I can give something lasting to my clients. In our fast moving world of constant selfies and short, one or two word messages I am daring to take the time with you, the person in my portrait and create an image that will outlast facebook, twitter, instagram and all the other apps. Don’t get me wrong, I am using them all, but still I believe in true black and white negative film and anticipate a big comeback. That is the gift I can give to others.

Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud…Be certain that you do not die without having done something wonderful for humanity. (Maya Angelou, Letter to my daughter)

Portraits with Hamantashen and Spectacular Views

I met Missy and her daughter Sara on a stormy day in San Francisco. We started our photo shoot in the kitchen which provided a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere with excellent natural light. As a mother-daughter team they are spending some quality time together in the kitchen experimenting with Jewish recipes. Because this photo shoot was scheduled just before Purim, they were all set up to bake Hamantashen when I arrived to take their portraits.

The second half of the photo shoot took place outside on a steep hill top around the corner of their house which was chosen by Sara. We were greeted by billowing thunderstorm clouds, but luckily no rain! Perched on a high hill overlooking San Francisco we got some great shots on the granite rocks as a natural backdrop. Sara loves to come out here with and without friends to take in the epic views of the Pacific ocean.

While every photo session is unique, this one had it’s own twist, as I met Luna the pig, who lives a happy live in a kosher household. Receiving a beautiful basket full of Hamantashen as a take home gift was an additional big plus.

Black and white portraits are very classy

Create real family heirloom pictures by taking time out of your busy lives and sign up for your mother-daughter portrait. Lately I have picked up my classy Hasselblad 500 C,  the medium-format camera of choice for generations of professional photographers. It is almost as old as me, but works like a charm and creates high quality images that you can’t achieve on your little Iphones (sorry kids, no selfies here). These images beg to be matted, framed and put on someones wall or desk.

© Gabriele Lange 2015
More images from the mother-daughter portrait session with Georgia and Lola. © Gabriele Lange 2015 

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Meet the first mother daughter duo

On another warm, sunny and glorious winter weekend I met up with Georgia and Lola for the first “push-me-pull-you” portrait. We met in their sun-filled house in the Outer Sunset of San Francisco and took some time to contemplate the appropriate location for each of the portraits.

Brainstorming for the first mother-daughter portrait. What to wear? Where should we go?
Brainstorming for the first mother-daughter portrait. What to wear? Where should we go?

Georgia picked her artist studio, The Mud Room, as her favorite place to hang out with her daughter. Georgia Hodges is a San Francisco based artist. She owns and manages The Mud Room at Ocean Beach, a small ceramics cooperative.

Georgia working on a clay sculpture while Lola is hanging out.
Georgia working on a clay sculpture while Lola is hanging out.

Lola loves to come and hang out with her mother, drinking out of her gigantic tea cup, which is of course handmade by Georgia. Here they can spend some quality time together.

Lola on the hand choose to go to the beach for her mother-daughter portrait. The eighth grader is an avid rower and surfs several weeks every summer in a junior life guard program in Santa Cruz. We reached the dunes just in time for a spectacular sunset. The two huddled up together in the fading light and shared a brief moment of peace and quiet.

Mother daughter portrait by the beach. © Gabriele Lange 2015
Mother daughter portrait by the beach. © Gabriele Lange 2015

Fun Family Shots on 11/11/11

Fun kids photography by Gabriele Lange.

As a photographer I feel most appreciated when my “old” clients return to me year after year to document their growing families.

Family Portraits by San Francisco based photographer Gabriele Lange.

Amber was one of my brides  a couple of years ago. In the meanwhile she and her husband had two handsome boys. But like all moms she is the one who is constantly taking the family pictures and therefor hardly has any photos of herself with the kids. And as you know – the years go by very fast when the kids are so young.

Now is the time to create some photographs of the entire family for those calendars you might want to create and the holiday cards you are planning on sending out in a couple of weeks.
So book a session either at the studio, in your house or some outdoors location. I would be happy to advise you on what might best for your particular family.

Fall Family Portraits

Fall is the perfect time to do your next set of family portraits. The Bay Area offers a wide range of portrait locations including beautiful parks and beaches.

Yes, your children are already in the next grade level (entering Preschool, Kindergarten, College, you fill in the blank) and when was the last time you took a decent family photo of them?

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On September 11 this year I was invited back by my former bride and groom Jennie and Nick (wedding Oct 2005) to photograph their lovely young family. We went to a local park in Berkeley and took pictures under majestic redwood trees. The kids were adorable and cooperated really well. The slideshow is a small fraction of the images we took.

Call the studio to set up your portrait session. Portrait packages start at $450.

Gabriele Lange’s first Wedding Podcast

Gabriele Lange is a wedding and portrait photographer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
This podcast features a wedding held in Gabriele’s own neighborhood, Noe Valley. Bride and groom choose Gabriele as their photographer because of her unobtrusive and editorial style. Posed family portraits are kept at a minimum, so the wedding couple can enjoy their day, rather than “work” with the photographer.
The Noe Valley Ministry is one of the very few venues in up and coming Noe Valley to hold a ceremony. Morey and Sabrina opted for a very low key event that was put together with the help of their many friends.

Vodpod videos no longer available.