Portraits with Hamantashen and Spectacular Views

I met Missy and her daughter Sara on a stormy day in San Francisco. We started our photo shoot in the kitchen which provided a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere with excellent natural light. As a mother-daughter team they are spending some quality time together in the kitchen experimenting with Jewish recipes. Because this photo shoot was scheduled just before Purim, they were all set up to bake Hamantashen when I arrived to take their portraits.

The second half of the photo shoot took place outside on a steep hill top around the corner of their house which was chosen by Sara. We were greeted by billowing thunderstorm clouds, but luckily no rain! Perched on a high hill overlooking San Francisco we got some great shots on the granite rocks as a natural backdrop. Sara loves to come out here with and without friends to take in the epic views of the Pacific ocean.

While every photo session is unique, this one had it’s own twist, as I met Luna the pig, who lives a happy live in a kosher household. Receiving a beautiful basket full of Hamantashen as a take home gift was an additional big plus.

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